Peace be upon the Prophet of God 

​Greetings to the morning and when the flower eyes light up in the sun. And greetings to the sun that disappears the darkness of the night.

And peace be upon the man who, with his coming, removed ignorance from mankind and opened the eyes of a nation to the light of faith. Peace be upon the Prophet of God …
Greetings to a man who was known for his trustworthiness, good morals and all good qualities. And he put the confrontation of oppression and resistance against ignorance on his agenda .. Peace be upon the man who was the best of God’s creatures … The Islamic world is proud of the existence of such a man.
Happy birth of the Prophet of Islam to all Muslims of the world.

I miss Hussein(as)'s court

​Why did imam Hussain rise up on Ashura? why Ashura happened?

Imam Hussain (PBUH) explained his revolutionary goal as a will which he wrote to his brother, Muhammad bin Al-Hanifiah. The text in the above image is a part of Imam Hussain’s will:
“I did not rise up for the cause of wickedness, amusement, corruption or oppression, but I rose up to reform the Muslim community of my grandfather . I want to promote virtue and prevent vice.”
Ref.: Bihar Al-Anvar: V.44, P. 329.


Imam Hussein (as) is the grandson of the Prophet of Islam(as) . Forty days have passed since his martyrdom.  And every year, his lovers from all over the world go to his shrine in Iraq….
And this year we are deprived  because of the spread of Corona. However, our hearts miss his 6-corner shrine…

Autumn is not predictable

 Nothing can be predicted in autumn weather. Sometimes in the morning you see the sun shining in the clear sky. And that same evening, the roar of thunder deafens the ear. And then it’s raining …. yes, autumn is like this …. neither its days nor its nights are predictable …. sometimes it is warm and sometimes it is cold … sometimes you have to carry an umbrella on a sunny day  … Autumn rain can not be predicted ? …
 So are those born in the  autumn. They are unpredictable … they behave coldly in appearance. But there is a warm and loving heart inside them …. Sometimes they are like the wind and the clouds of your life move you, and sometimes they frighten you with the sound of thunder inside them, and sometimes their mood is rainy. … Do not blame autumn people for feeling rainy …. because after the rain, the air in their hearts becomes sunny and warm …. Never judge an autumn person …. but try to know him. The more you know about it, the more you will in love with it ….

اولین باران پاییزی


The warm weather gives way to the coolness of autumn.  The sound of rain can be heard when it hits the ground.

The first rain of autumn … the weather is not hot … not too cold … just cool … cool…

And I’m glad that autumn is coming … Autumn is full of warm colors … colors that you are warm with watch…

It warms .. Your being, your heart, your soul, with the warmth of these colors, you will feel alive …

And I am the daughter of autumn … My mother is autumn … I have neither the heat of summer nor the cold of winter … I, I, I am myself.  I’m autumn…???


I just wrote this text. my feel for autumn??

هوای گرم جای خود را به خنکای پاییز می دهد.  صدای باران هنگام برخورد به زمین شنیده می شود.

 اولین باران پاییزی … هوا گرم نیست … خیلی سرد نیست … فقط خنک … خنک …

 و خوشحالم که پاییز می آید … پاییز پر از رنگ های گرم است … رنگ هایی که با تماشای آن گرم هستی …

 گرم می شود .. وجودت ، قلبت ، روحت ، با گرمای این رنگ ها ، زنده می شوی …

 و من دختر پاییز هستم … مادرم پاییز است … نه گرمای تابستان دارم و نه سرمای زمستان … من ، منم ، خودم هستم.  من پاییز هستم …

My love is Imam Hussein (as)

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